"R experts at your disposal"

ThinkR is above all a team united by a common passion: R.
Passionate about data, believing strongly in the power of open source, our team is committed every day to, and with, the user community. Coming from different backgrounds, our expeRts know how to bring a new and unique perspective on R, and hope to participate, on their own scale, in the construction of the future of the most popular language in the world of data science.
Whether you call on us for your development, training or analysis, we are here to provide you with a unique service: the one driven by a passion for a language in constant evolution, which we like to learn, relearn, but above all to make you learn and share.
Do you have challenges that seem insurmountable to you? That’s good, we like impossible missions. Push technology to its limits, twist language to meet a need, search manuals to the last page, that’s what makes us thrilled. It is by seeking every day to push R’s capabilities even further that we have learned to build unexpected but always high-end solutions for those who have worked with us.
Our relationship with R is a bit like a love story: we know its every nook and cranny, we can recite its strengths and weaknesses to you without blinking, we have learned over time to love its peculiarities, its specificities, and everything that makes it unique. But above all, after so many years, it is a language that continues to amaze us: of itself, but also thanks to all the incredible resources that a global community of enthusiasts is building, and that we take real pleasure in discovering every day, to transmit them to you tomorrow.
So, and it goes without saying, you won’t have to look any further to find the best: they’re at ThinkR.
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