Learning Shiny for Production – Remote session

Learning Shiny for Production
Table of Contents
Hello world!
We’re very happy to announce that we will be giving a remote training session on building Shiny Application for production in July. Be quick, we only have 10 spots available!
If you always wanted to know how to build Shiny applications by the rulebook, if you already know R and want to create nice shaped and maintenable shiny application, this remote training session is for you (details and fees bellow).
Your teachers will all be Shiny certified trainers from ThinkR, experts both in training and shiny development. Authors of the {golem} package and of the “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” book , they train hundred of people each year and know what it means to build a shiny application for production.
Shiny for Production
Introduction to {golem}
- Introduction
- The
- Presentation
- General philosophy
- Understanding a
application structure - Starting and configuring a
- Package development in the context of
- Using dependencies
- Documentation
- Project: Starting and configuring a
application. Adding a basic UI/server logic.
Prototyping an application
- UX/UI best practices
- Prototyping a Shiny Application
- The
package - Introduction to
- Defining the business logic in Rmd
- The
- Project: Building a prototyped application with
Shiny Modules
- Shiny modules
- Why shiny modules?
- Building modules
- Sharing data accross modules
- Project: Building an application with Shiny Modules
- Reactivity best pratices
- Refresher on Shiny Reactivity
- Reactivity: the good, the bad, the ugly
- Safely manage reactivity in a Shiny application
Introduction to JavaScript for Shiny
- JavaScript for Shiny
- What is JavaScript
- Using
JavaScript functions - Introduction to custom JavaScript
- Project: Integrating basic JavaScript in the application
- Where to deploy
- Overview of available deployment methodologies
- Strength and weakness of each method
- Preparing the app for deployment
- Overview of Shiny testing
- Introduction to CI/CD
- Project: Add content to the Shiny Application and prepare it for deployment.
- Project: Deploy your application
Note: All the modules will be coupled with exercises. Attendees will be building an application all along the training, and will deploy it on the last day.
This workshop can be validated with an exam. If you pass this exam, we will send you a Shiny Developer certification.
How to apply? Once the workshop is finished, you will have one month to build a Shiny application that follows all the practices from this training. You’ll then put this application online (at least available to us), and share the source code. We will then set up a 30 minutes call for you to present us your application.
Who is this training for?
We expect the attendees to be at least familiar with {shiny}
, i.e. to either have built one or more application(s) or to have collaborated on one or more {shiny}
application(s). Attendees should also know the basics of package development, even if we will briefly cover packages on the first day.
- General knowledge of shiny basics
- How to create functions
- Basic knowledge of package development
The full training is $4000 (3600€) for the 5 days.
Two extra tickets will be dedicated for attendees from under-represented groups and/or with financial difficulties. If you consider you are eligible, do not hesitate to specify it in the form below. We will get back to you with more information about the application process.
- 🗺 Where? Online!
- 💻 How? ThinkR provides a pre-configured web platform specifically designed for remote trainings in R
- 🤒 Which conditions ? The workshop is provided for a small group to provide the best possible experience. See “Our vision of remote trainings and certification“.
- 👨💻 Who? Colin Fay (@_ColinFay). Teaching assistants: Sébastien Rochette,Diane Beldame, Vincent Guyader, Cervan Girard, Margot Brard.
- 💻 What do I need? The training will be given online. We’ll send you the details about how and where to log a few days before it starts.
- ⏳ When? The workshop is divided in 10 sessions of 3,5 hours. They will happen on the following days:
- 2020-07-01
- 2020-07-02
- 2020-07-03
- 2020-07-08
- 2020-07-09
- 2020-07-10
- 2020-07-15
- 2020-07-16
- 2020-07-17
- 2020-07-20
Each session is scheduled on the following time slot:
- 02.00PM – 05.30PM Paris time :
lubridate::ymd_hm("2020-07-01 14:00", tz = "Europe/Paris")
- 8.00 AM – 11.30PM New York time :
lubridate::ymd_hm("2020-07-01 08:00", tz = "America/New_York")
Each attendee will receive:
cheatcheets- A paper copy of the “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” book (once available in print)
Shiny for Production – Advanced
We’re also planning on doing an advanced Shiny for Production online training, but we haven’t decided on a date yet. This session will cover the following topics:
- Best practices for production
- Testing Shiny front-end, back-end, and load capacity
- Parallelization & Asynchronicity
- Optimization
- Advanced deployment
- Advanced JavaScript for Shiny
We haven’t chosen a date yet, enter your mail below if you want to be the first to be informed!
Contact us
A question ?
Tell us how we can help.