Creation of an interactive Shiny interface for the creation of sensitive data reports

Context summary

As part of its migration from SAS to R, the pharmaceutical company asked ThinkR to develop an interactive interface to generate automated, standardized reports for its studies. Because the data used is highly sensitive as it involves human life, it is necessary to integrate data compliance testing into this development. Furthermore, developments within pharmaceutical companies are highly regulated: each line of code is subject to audit and control. In this context, all changes made to the code must be justifiable: When was the code changed? What was the reason for the change? By whom? How was it changed?

Our intervention

  • Production of data compliance tests
  • Creation of unit tests and documentation for the treatments
  • Implementation of a traceability of the development process :
    • Development phases are versioned on git, history is stored and rigorously documented.
    • Each code modification commit on git is normalized, based on a template that contains all the information needed to track it.

Result & added value

  • A Shiny application available to operators
  • Production on a secure server
  • Additional data compliance testing
  • Rigorous documentation :
    • a documentation of the Shiny application
    • a report of the unit tests with {testdown}
    • documentation of the stages of development
    • a report of all commit messages that were made on git with {gitdown}
  • The creation of documentation tools that did not exist in the R environment to trace the stages of development.

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