2025-03-07 / Murielle Delmotte / package

Customize your expedition: Create a unique documentation for your R Package

Ah, pkgdown… That fantastic tool that turns your R package documentation into a website. But sometimes, it lacks a bit of personality. No worries, pkgdown.yml is here to add customization and make your site shine like never before. In this article, we will explore some secrets of the pkgdown.yml file that will help you personalize your documentation. Ready for the ...

2021-12-19 / Sébastien Rochette / development, fusen, package, Rmarkdown, thinkrverse

‘fusen’ v0.3: Better project templates, grouped functions and numerous other enhancements

{fusen} gets some maturity! v0.3 is a big rebranding for a more fluid experience, from beginners to advanced developers. Creating a fully documented and tested package has never been so easy and enjoyable. Experience “Rmd first” to the fullest. At first, I imagined {fusen} to help beginners start building R packages. Following the ‘Rmd first’ method, I am convinced that ...

Processus development collaborative

2021-04-19 / Sébastien Rochette / development, Rmarkdown, rstudio, thinkrverse, tips

A guide to collaborative development with R for reproducible PROPRE reporting

With our “PROPRE” Project Guide, get a publishing committee and a development team to collaborate on creating your automated reports using the “PROPRE” methodology. Follow our suggestions for organization, tools and R development practices, for a controlled and benevolent DevOps practice. It is possible to collaborate around git in a team composed of developers and non developers. In this guide ...

2021-01-19 / Sébastien Rochette / development, package, thinkrverse

{attachment} v0.2.0 : find dependencies in your scripts and fill package DESCRIPTION

New version of {attachment} has been published on CRAN ! We continue to improve its functionalities to help you deal with dependencies in R, in particular during package development. Since our last blog post presenting the aim of {attachment}, two versions reached CRAN. The full documentation is available on the {pkgdown} website : https://thinkr-open.github.io/attachment. Still, for package developers, att_amend_desc() keeps ...

A HTML report created from git messages using gitdown package

2020-08-10 / Sébastien Rochette / tips, development, package, thinkrverse

Download Gitlab or Github issues and make a summary report of your commits

While working on our {gitdown} package, I wanted to show more information on the report generated by retrieving all issues of my Gitlab / Github repositories. Indeed, titles of issues could improve readability and information of the git report of this package. How can I download all issues information from git repositories? Context of {gitdown} development {gitdown} is a package ...

Transform a directory of flles to gitlab or github, using git

2020-08-10 / Sébastien Rochette / development, git

Transform a folder as git project synchronized on Github or Gitlab

You have been working for years on your R scripts, and saved all versions as “script_v1.R”, “script_v2.R”, “script_v2_best-of-the-world.R”, … One day, you heard about git, a versioning system that allows you to make your files travel through time. But, how to transform a directory of falsely versioned files into a git repository and synchronize it online? Originally, I wanted to ...


2019-07-09 / Sébastien Rochette / development, package, Rmarkdown, tips

Rmd first: When development starts with documentation

Documentation matters ! Think about future you and others. Whatever is the aim of your script and analyses, you should think about documentation. The way I see it, R package structure is made for that. Let me try to convince you. At use’R 2019 in Toulouse, I did a presentation entitled: ‘The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with documentation’ ...

2019-05-07 / Sébastien Rochette / development, package, thinkrverse, tips

{attachment} is on CRAN !

We are pleased to announce that our package {attachment} is now available on CRAN. The goal of attachment is to help to deal with package dependencies during package development. It also gives useful tools to install or list missing packages used inside Rscripts or Rmds. Deal with dependencies during package development If you ever had the following error when checking ...