The R series ‘Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps’ book is available in print!

Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps
Author : Vincent Guyader
Categories : golem, shiny, thinkrverse
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It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the paper version of the book “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” is available. It is published in the R Series by Chapman & Hall.

If you want to use shiny with rigour , and use this techno to push your applications into production, this book is for you. The ThinkR team and especially @colin put not only a lot of love into it but also (especially?) their knowledge in terms of shiny application development!

To get it, you can :

  • Order it from your favorite local bookstore (EAN: 9780367466022)
  • Buy it directly from the publisher here with, as I write this, 20% off by Using code FLY21
  • Buy it on Amazon
  • or anywhere else books are sold 🙂

The book is also available online for free at this address: Thanks again to the publisher for agreeing to this, and thanks to all those who will invest in the paper version for making this kind of initiative possible.

About the author

Vincent Guyader

Vincent Guyader

Codeur fou, formateur et expert logiciel R


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