
2019-08-19 / Sébastien Rochette / development, docker, package, server, shiny

Dash with golem: First contact

{golem} has been developed to help building big Shiny application to put in production. What if {golem} could be used to build another popular interactive web application, recently made available to R programmers: Dash ? Dash, a newcomer in interactive web applications A few days ago, Plotly announced Dash now available for R. After reading this announcement, I thought this ...

2018-09-20 / Vincent Guyader / docker, server, shiny, shinyproxy

Shiny application in production with ShinyProxy, Docker and Debian

You created some great Shiny applications, following our advice of Shiny packaging for example, and you want to put them into production, self-hosting, so that others can enjoy them, without limitations, on the Internet or on an internal server of your company? ShinyProxy is for you! ShinyProxy v2.0 has recently been released. What a great opportunity to talk about its ...

2018-08-29 / Colin Fay / package, rstudio, server

Playing around with Posit/RStudio Package Manager

Managing packages in production is a lot of work: you have to juggle between versions, internal packages, CRAN updates, Bioconductor, GitHub sources… Let’s have a look into Posit RStudio Package Manager, one of the tools available that helps you dealing with this. What is love RSPM (Baby don’t hurt me, no more 🎶) RStudio Package Manager (or RSPM for short) ...

2018-06-07 / Colin Fay / docker, package, server

Dockerise and deploy your own R Archive Repo

There are several reasons you would want to deploy your own R archive repo: you don’t want to rely on GitHub for your dev packages, you want to use a more “confidential” way, or maybe (and that’s good enough a reason), you’re a nerd and you like the idea of hosting your own repo. So, here’s how to. ...