
2019-08-19 / Sébastien Rochette / development, docker, package, server, shiny

Dash with golem: First contact

{golem} has been developed to help building big Shiny application to put in production. What if {golem} could be used to build another popular interactive web application, recently made available to R programmers: Dash ? Dash, a newcomer in interactive web applications A few days ago, Plotly announced Dash now available for R. After reading this announcement, I thought this ...


2019-07-09 / Sébastien Rochette / development, package, Rmarkdown, tips

Rmd first: When development starts with documentation

Documentation matters ! Think about future you and others. Whatever is the aim of your script and analyses, you should think about documentation. The way I see it, R package structure is made for that. Let me try to convince you. At use’R 2019 in Toulouse, I did a presentation entitled: ‘The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with documentation’ ...

2019-07-04 / Vincent Guyader / shiny

Communication between modules and its whims

As part of the development of a Shiny application for production using {golem}, we recommend, among other things, working with Shiny-modules. The communication of data between the different modules can be complex. At ThinkR we use a strategy: the stratégie du petit r. We explain everything in this article. What is a module? A module is the combination of two ...

2019-05-24 / Vincent Guyader / rstudio

Rstudio & ThinkR roadshow – June 6 – Paris

On June the 6th, 2019, Rstudio is partnering with ThinkR to offer you a one day event around “R in production”. See you in Paris! If you’re an experienced developer or a decision-maker looking to learn more about what R and RStudio have to offer, then this event made is for you! During the first part of the event, there ...

2019-05-07 / Sébastien Rochette / development, package, thinkrverse, tips

{attachment} is on CRAN !

We are pleased to announce that our package {attachment} is now available on CRAN. The goal of attachment is to help to deal with package dependencies during package development. It also gives useful tools to install or list missing packages used inside Rscripts or Rmds. Deal with dependencies during package development If you ever had the following error when checking ...

2019-04-30 / Colin Fay / package, shiny, thinkrverse

Building a Shiny App as a Package

Shiny App as a Package In a previous post, I’ve introduced the {golem} package, which is an opinionated framework for building production-ready Shiny Applications. This framework starts by creating a package skeleton waiting to be filled. But, in a world where Shiny Applications are mostly created as a series of files, why bother with a package? This is the question ...

2019-04-28 / Sébastien Rochette / database, docker, maps, tips

Interact with PostGIS from R

PostGIS extends capabilities of PostgreSQL database to deal with spatial data. Using PostGIS, your database supports geographic queries to be run directly in SQL. In this blog post, we will connect and interact with a PostGIS database from R, using {DBI} and {sf}. Package {sf} and PostGIS are friends Package {sf} is similar to PostGIS database in multiple ways: R ...

2019-03-08 / Sébastien Rochette / dataviz, maps, tips

SatRday Paris: Build interactive waffle plots

Can mapping tools be diverted to other uses? Of course ! See how we play with leaflet and leafgl to quickly render a giant waffle made of millions of polygons. Spatial tools are not only for spatial data At SatRday in Paris, I presented a talk entitled “Everything but maps with spatial tools”. The aim is to show that there ...

2019-03-04 / Colin Fay / development, package, shiny

Building Big Shiny Apps — A Workflow 2/2

Second part of the blog transcription of the talk I’ve given during the eposter session of the rstudio::conf(2019). Read the first part here. This post is at the premise of our book: https://engineering-shiny.org/. You will find all complementary information in it. Building Big Shiny Apps: step by step Step 1: Designing Don’t rush into coding. I know you want to, ...

2019-02-03 / Colin Fay / shiny, tips

A little trick for debugging Shiny

This is gonna be a short post about a little trick I’ve been using while developing Shiny Apps. (Spoiler: nothing revolutionary) A browser anywhere, anytime The first thing to do is to insert an action button, and a browser() in the observeEvent() watching this button. This is a standard approach: at any time, you just press this button, and you’re ...